Digital Competence Framework for Parents and Guardians

Releasing the potential of technology and maximizing the use of remote virtual environments to engage with the widest cross-section of potential beneficiaries offers significant potential for the improvement of services and support, especially to families living in rural communities. Through this Framework the project partnership addresses the digital readiness, resilience, and capacity of families and educators across Europe through the development of a number of resources, one of which is the "Digital Competence Framework for Parents and Guardians". This Framework serves as the basis for developing the digital parenting competencies of a minimum of 180 parents, in the 6 areas that are going to be jointly defined by the project partners.

The framework describes what it means for parents to support their children in the digital world, safeguard them and also promote digital opportunities. It intends to be a general reference framework to support the development of digital parenting competencies even beyond the present project. 

It is based on:

  • the DQ (Digital Intelligence) Framework developed by the DQ institute - Global standards for the Digital Intelligence
  • the Digital Competence Framework and
  • the DigComp Edu Framework promoted by the European Commission.
  • Field research performed in the project countries
This framework was developed in close cooperation among the Digital Upbringing Erasmus+ project partners.
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